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Invoice Finance and stocking Finance

Business Finance, financing, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, London.

Whilst we are still unaware of any finance company that will provides stocking finance on a stand alone basis there is still the odd one or two factoring company that can provide a true stocking facility on the back of an invoice finance facility. By the way if anyone can provide me with details of a finance company that provides stocking finance on a stand alone basis I would love to know.

A true stocking facility is one that will provide a percentage of your stock on a revolving finance facility. Don’t be fooled by a factoring or invoice discounting company that says they do stocking finance but will only advance up to an amount equal to a one hundred percent of your debtor book. Any invoice finance company that overlends on the back of a factoring or invoice discounting facility and requires repaying over a 6 month or 12 month is not providing a true stocking facility. All they are doing i9s providing a temporary overpayment which in the long run will not improve your cash flow. 

A true stocking facility will provide revolving stock finance facility against a prearranged prepayment. Again there a few finance companies to choose from however they are all very different lenders and which one is suitable for you depends on your own particular requirements and status. I also guarantee if you approach one of these lenders direct and they cannot provide a facility they won’t tell you who the other potential funder is. No way. XL Business Finance has been providing cash flow solutions to business for over 10 years. If you have an invoice finance requirement then we will be able to point you in the right direction. Based on a quick consultation we will be able to narrow down o two or three f the most appropriate finance companies. This will save you so much time and money. This service will not cost you a penny as a factoring or invoice discounting company will pay the introducer a commission for the referral. This is in no way added to cost of the facility as they will still need to remain competitive.

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