During the last few weeks we have seen an increase in businesses requireing asset finance solutions in the form of hire purchase and finance lease. This has got to be good news for the economy however is it any easier to obtain credit approval for investments. The answer is maybe however at XL Business Finance we take a slightly different approach in organising finance for our clients. As a result our success rate is very high at getting acceptances for our clients.
Until the credit crunch there were many banks and high street finance companies wanting to your business. There was plenty of cash around and the terms and conditions were fantastic. Low interest rates, minimal deposits , long terms , no personal guarantees were all too common place. The last twelve months however have been the complete opposite. Banks as we know have shut up shop and getting funding from a finance company other than your own bank has been very difficult. Therefore to get the best possible chance of success it is absolutely imperative that your application for funding is presented to the finance company in the best possible light. XL Businesses finance are truly one of the UKs leading independent finance company, its Managing Director has over 20 years experience in the finance industry.
It is not always necessary top provide detailed business plans and cash flow projections. So long as we have the right info including a full set of the last audited accounts, recent management accounts, bank statements to evidence a well run account together with the rational for the investment you will have the best opportunity of obtaining the best possible finance deal. If there is any other information that will help such as copies of finance agreements coming to an end this will all help. Get it wrong and there is a massive difference between the prime funders and the next tier of funders if indeed you are able to get finance at all.
Tags: finance lease, hire purchase, independent factoring company