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invoice factoring help

Business Finance, financing, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, London.

Invoice factoring enables a business to obtain immediate cash against its unpaid sales ledger. There are a few finance companies that can actually provide you cash within 24 hours. If you have a sales ledger of £10ok you can expect to receive an immediate cash injection of up to £90,000. The finance company uses the unpaid invoices as security and they are experts in chasing and collecting your debts. Most finance companies will provide credit for up to 90 days from the point you raise the invoice.

Invoice factoring is usually provided on a diclsed basis. Ie your customers will be ware that you are factoring your invoices as you provide the finance company bank details on your invoice so your customers will pay the proceeds into a trust account. The finance company will clear the trust account everday payng you the remaining  balance of 10-20% less any charges due.

As factoring provides credit control , in our opinion the banks do not always provide the best service. It has been said that certain well known high street banks will only chase by telephone your top 3 or 4 customers and leave the rest to be chased by phone. Therefore the debt turn as it is known can be quite lengthy. A specialist factoring company will chase by telephone every single one of your debtors and as such tend to collect the money in allot quicker. Although some of the more specialist factoring companies can be a little more expensive it is no point going for the cheaper option if you are not getting your cash in quick enough. It must be remembered that factoring is very much a value added product and you tend to get what you pay for.

XL Business Finance can help you understand the difference between the different options available and we can add value to your business by pointing you in the right direction .

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