Cash Flow Finance is the most raidly expanding form of finance and their are many funders positively active even in the current market. Whether it is factoring, invoice discounting or payroll finance these different finance companies all have different areas of expertise. For example international trade finance is only undertaken well by 3 or 4 companies. Like wise stocking finance is provided by only 2/3 companies. Choosing the right company for your business can be made easier by speaking to a good independent broker.
Archive for February, 2009
Cash Flow Finance
Friday, February 27th, 2009Confidential Factoring
Monday, February 16th, 2009It goes without saying that invoice discounting is the preferred option when it comes to a confidential cash flow finance facility. Although factoring traditionally provides credit control, it is provided on a disclosed basis therefore your customers are aware of your facility. Invoice discounting is perceived as a bigger risk therefore businesses must normaly be well established and profitable to be considred for such a facility. More worryingly in the current credit crunch/recession banks are transferring customers from invoice discounting to factoring facilities or asking them to move away from the bank completely. It is very difficult to get get invoice discounting for businessses which maybe are experiencing tough trading conditions. However confidential factoring may be a half way house. A dedicated credit controller chases the debt in the name of the client and monies are paid to a trust account. This is a very specilaist area and not all finance companies can offer this facility
Refinancing existing machinery
Monday, February 9th, 2009Refinancing existing machinery has got to be the most enquired about business finance product currrently available. As businesses are having their credit lines and overdraft squeezed by the high street banks they are looking for alternative forms of finance. The best sectors are printing, engineering, haulage , recycling and any other sector which uses heavy plant machinery and equipment. The process is relatively straight forward. The finance company obtains a valuation for refinancing purposes. This will be a forced sale value usually obtained from a professional valuer. Subject to status the finance company wil advance 60-80% of the forced sale value. It will be necessary to obtain a debenture waiver, landlords waiver and proof of title before payment can be made. Although this is a very specilaist markert not all asset finance companies are the same and all have their little quirks in terms of what sectors they like and how they percieve the value of certain assets. XL Business Finabnce has the expertise and knowledge to obtain the best deal in terms of funds out and overall structure!
Payroll Finance
Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009At .85% per month Payroll Finance isn’t the cheapest form of funding however when you consider that there are no personal guarantees required and that the payroll funder is classed as a trade creditor it is proving a viable alternative to a bank overdraft. There is no guarantee that banks are even willing to grant overdrafts and they more often than not require additional and onerous security. Payroll finance provides up to two months of the gross monthly payroll on a revolving credit facility. It can sit alongside traditional cash flow facilities such as factoring or invoice discounting. Surely less reliance on the bank has got to be a good thing in these difficult times!