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Archive for October, 2011

Selective Factoring

Monday, October 31st, 2011

It is now possible for business owners and managers to select which customers/transactions they would like to fund, collect or insure against potential bad debt!

Selective factoring offers customers the independence and flexibility that traditional factoring does not. The major benefit to businesses is that Selective factoring looks at individual transactions rather than the whole balance sheet allowing new start businesses to flourish and grow. For larger businesses  it allows them to factor individual invoices, where whole factoring is not wanted or needed. XL Business Finance has been helping businesses for over 10 years find the most appropriate business finance solutions.


Why use an asset finance broker?

Thursday, October 20th, 2011

Do you need assistance with finding a hire purchase or finance lease facilities for new or used capital expenditure projects?  XL Business Finance has access to many specialist asset based lenders providing you with competitive deals many of which are not available via the high street banks.

Never has a good asset finance broker been able to add so much  value to businesses in this difficult economic climate. There are many reasons why you should use a broker a few of which are provided below.

Many high street banks are only providing hire purchase and finance lease facilities for their own customers that meet a certain criteria. If your business is good enough to meet this criteria then great. However many are not. If you have a good business but perhaps are fully exposed with your existing bank or you would prefer not have all your eggs in one basket there are still a few prime lenders that deal purely with the broker market providing an alternative to the high street banks. These funders are happy to provide 3rd part hire purchase and finance lease deals which sit alongside your existing agreements.

If your business has however has had a number of issues an experienced asset finance broker will be able to package the deal in the best possible light from an underwriters perspective. This ensures that  you have the best possible chance of success with the most appropriate finance company. There are still many smaller lessor known finance companies that provide funding for many different businesses assets and circumstances. It is simply a case of getting the correct information and making sure we are dealing with the most appropriate funder.

Do you need trade finance?

Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

Your goods are pre sold but you don’t have the working capital to purchase your goods in advance. XL Business Finance has over 10 years experience helping businesses with trade finance facilities and has a number of alternative solutions.

For one reason and another many businesses are struggling to obtain financial support from existing high street banks. This is never more true for businesses looking to import goods and products from abroad. The problem is that you have an order in the UK,  your goods have been pre sold, however you don’t have the working capital to purchase the goods in advance. Whilst banks do a certain amount of trade finance it is usually for existing and well established customers with very strong and profitable balance sheets. Banks generally will not support businesses trading for less than 3 years and very rarely will help businesses with marginal credit.

The good news is that there are a number of independent trade finance companies that may be able to assist. It will certainly be easier if your goods have been pre sold as not only will the stand alone trade  finance companies potentially help but also there are a number of factoring companies that also offer trade finance solutions. This is the preferred option for many businesses as a complete financial solution is provided form start to finish. A trade facility is provided for the business to import the goods and once an invoice has been raised in the UK upon delivery the trade finance facility is repaid via a factoring or invoice discounting facility. This factoring facility is repaid when the customer pays the invoice at a agreed future date, ie 30,60 or 90 days hence.


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