Without a doubt invoice financing is still the most buoyant and flexible form of business finance today. However there are so many different invoice financing companies and products to choose from how can you be sure that you are using the most appropriate and best value funder for your business. Luckily XL Business finance has been helping businesses for over ten years to choose the most appropriate funder.
Too often the easiest option is to be railroaded into your clearing banks factoring or invoice discounting company. This may not always be the best option. As you probably know factoring and invoice discounting release up to eighty percent of a businesses unpaid invoices in ready cash ready to be used for working capital requirements. However there a number of factors that need to be taken into consideration when choosing a finance company. Like any business different factoring and invoice discounting companies have different sweet spots. The problem with the high street banks is that try and be all things to all men and can often fall short on service and delivery compared with other independent providers. In certain circumstances the bank may be the best choice and indeed one bank in particular is exceptional providing international trade finance whereas another is most excellent in providing funding against contractual debt.
In addition certain finance companies are most excellent at invoice discounting but struggle to add the required level of service to deliver a competent full factoring service. When it comes to full factoring with credit control and debt collection specialist and independent factoring companies provide a far superior products to the banks. It can be difficult to argue against the banks when it comes to invoice discounting however there are benefits to choosing a third party provider such as not having too many eggs in ones basket.